assorted vim tip flotsam and jetsam
How does one get started with Vim?
I've been asked this three separate times so far this Hacker School batch, so for anyone who's interested, here is a simple Vim configuration that seems to encompass the features I expect from any modern editor.
I'm assuming that you've already finished Vimtutor or are comfortable with Vim's basic editing commands.
pathogen: manage your plugins with Git
vimrc: basic setup
" disable compatibility with vi set nocompatible " enable filetype-specific plugins filetype plugin indent on " enable syntax highlighting syntax enable " enable line numbers set number " 4 space sized tabs set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " expand tabs into spaces set expandtab " backspace through everything set backspace=indent,eol,start " sane indentation behavior set autoindent set copyindent set smartindent
vim-airline: a simple statusbar that doesn't need much configuration
gundo: an incredible plugin that enables you to navigate vim's undo tree
ctrlp: a fast fuzzy file finder
syntastic: a syntax checker that works well for almost any language
fugitive: power tools for git
youcompleteme: intellisense-quality semantic autocompletion for c, c++, c#, obj-c, and python that falls back to vim's native autocomplete
vim-surround: make pairwise things like "" and [] editable together
vim-repeat: enable the . command for vim-surround
My favorite thing about all of these tools: it's not hard to remember to use
them! You do have to remember to call :Gundo when you have branching undos and
you want to get one back, there is some habit-building required to using git
from inside vim instead of on the command line, and you need to develop the
habit of hitting ctrl-p instead of typing vim ~/path/i/want/to/edit
time you open a file, but... what I'm trying to say is that these things make
their use cases obvious. They do one job, they're orthogonal to each other,
and they work well together. These are all hallmarks of vim itself, and
that's why I feel these extensions fit so wonderfully with it.
Using Vim daily:
Vim for me is not so much about maximizing speed as it is reducing the delay between thinking and typing. Here are some habits I've built up over two years of Vim use:
- Remap caps lock to be both escape and ctrl "A Modern Space Cadet," by Steve Losh
- Use ctrl-m instead of hitting the enter key
- Avoid hitting backspace in insert mode; instead, hit ctrl-w to delete backwards over whole words and retype them. "Effective Emacs," by Steve Yegge
- Avoid repetitively hitting j and k; instead, use search to get to where you need to go. "Hard Mode," by Pat Brisbin
- Understand Ex mode and when to use it. "Hard Mode," by Pat Brisbin
- Use commands that compose well with the dot command. For examples, see "Practical Vim," by Drew Neil